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Trade Request

Here's an odd post for the day, but I figured it was worth a shot: does anyone have an authentic Mid-Century Modern "atomic cat" figurine around by chance? I have some really nice vintage 80s guitar magazines - complete with tabs - that are just ready for a trade. One vintage swap for another!

Here's an example of what an "atomic cat" typically looks like - and they come in ceramic or teak wood. As someone who rarely brings knick-knacks home (minimalist!), this is a big deal for me. I need this little cat for my master bath renovation. I did see an atomic cat reprint that featured a retro record player. That might make a cute backup, but I really want an authentic cat if I can source one!

For a music topic, Aerosmith has canceled their summer European tour. That sort of seems like foreboding news for concerts, period.

Reader Comments (3)

Man that Aerosmith with Rival Sons opening would be so good...
February 24, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterGNR
February 24, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterDale
Dale, do your links come with comments? Or do you just like to fish for stuff, like Adrian (as in, "just as he does" not "show your support and click this")? Then again, Richie was guilty of fishing (and catching) on at least one occasion.

I know it has nothing to do with your post, Dale, but I do love how it has "EMAIL_CAMPAIGN" in the link.

My initial thoughts? You are sad about the cancellation. So you are just letting the music do the talking. I couldn't agree more (even if I should write far less).
February 25, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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