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Warren DeMartini Podcast Interview

Hat tip to Kari for this one!

Warren DeMartini rarely does interviews. Recently, the ShaneTheRiot podcast interviewed the RATT guitarist. Warren talks about RATT, the band's history and points out some iconic places in Hollywood where the band hung out. This is very cool. You'll have to click the link here - there was no embed code and no video. Well worth your time.

Here's a video of Warren just because. Enjoy!

Reader Comments (5)

Listened to a bit of the podcast; watched the whole video. He can talk history. He can play "Way Cool Junior." Moving on . . .

Question: what gives? Is DeMartini oblivious to the legal issues re: his part in co-owning the brand with Blotz? Does he not care because he is well-off regardless? He seems to be a casual bystander in all of this. But he isn't, is he? As the podcast suggests, he is integral to Ratt. So does the podcast suggest he is laying down bread crumbs (get it?) for a new (non-)version of Ratt that doesn't include Blotz.

I don't find Blotz that easy to like. But I do get his frustration. I think he suffers from bad PR brought about by texting and speaking when he is in the cups.He also suffers from delusions which might, just might, be related. And yet, DeMartini seems to operate on a glide path, gently moving above the real issues that do relate to what made Blotz mad in the first place: what, exactly, does DeMartini want to do with the brand, no less the band, Ratt? To cast your lot with Pearcy is to double-back a bit on previous hesitations.

To not want to work with Blotz, well, that is understandable. He shouldn't get a pass though. DeMartini strikes me as being either: (1) stoned; (2) rich; (3) oblivious; or (4) all three. I go with the last one. Again, though, that isn't a pass. You built something. Now you need to support it or leave it--shudder--to Blotz. In this battle, I will give Blotz at least this: he may be disingenuous. At least he seems more motivated.

By the way: podcast must mean "recorded on a tape deck duck-taped to my chest while I am driving with the windows down." I guess I have a shot at stardom! And I love the sound of the directional signal. That is some tight sounding audio!
November 23, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHim
To your point, HIM, DiMartini needs to get off his a*s... Look, he proved this band can still make a great album with "Infestation". It's time to make a new one.

Not only would it more than likely be a pleasure to listen to and reinstate their prominence among the legacy acts and possibly more but would also provide a way to really f*ck with Blotzer, haha!!
November 23, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Agreed. I listened to it and found some of the history lesson entertaining. But there was nothing about the current state of RATT affairs.
November 23, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSteverox
Him. As much as I love Warrens guitar playing, I agree. The guy needs to put the vaporizer down,hide the bud for awhile,and decide what he wants to do with the band and name. (By rights it should probably be Ole Leatherfaces, but life isn't always fair and you reap what you sow) Nobody is getting any younger,and with the way these guys all lived back in the day, it's kind of like aging in dog years for a lot of them. Lol
Like Metalboy said, Infestation was a kickass release. It's still there. Do what you gotta and "get your feces formulated" ( get your shit together...)
November 23, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterGary
From your mouth to The Metal Gods' ears, Gary!
November 23, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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