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Lita Ford Lands Indeed Commercial

Congrats to Lita Ford for landing an awesome Indeed commercial. This is very cool - good for her.

Reader Comments (16)

Way to go, Lita ! "The Pride of Lakewood, CA" strikes again.
Good for her.
February 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAce Steele
A masterstroke of genius to cast her for the part.

Talk about exposure! It will be interesting to see how many might recognize her.
February 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
That is awesome. I would definitely take music in H.S. if Lita was the teacher. On a side note and it may have been posted here my memory stinks. But Lita has a book coming out and a new album? to go along with the book or is that old news?
February 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterShawn
No Shawn, you are not incorrect. It's now on sale on Amazon.
February 3, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Awesome! I've always been a fan of LIta, and perfect that they cast her in the role. Begs the question who else they could have cast? In my opinion, Nita Strauss would have been a fantastic pick, as well as Orianthi or of course, Jennifer Batten of MJ fame!
February 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSteverox
True, Steverox, but what's even cooler about Ford is her age.
February 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
I hate to put the brakes on this non-stop love-fest for Lita (I am a fan of her music, natch). But I have to ask--and I suspect some who post here might know more than I do--a question:

What is her deal?

There. I asked it. As more and more information about her split from Jim Gillette leaked out, I found myself--against my initial judgment--siding with him and his kids.

Granted, I have not a clue and don't want to cast aspersions. I am just curious about the situation. Any guesses? Any information? Ace?

But, yeah, it is cool to see a rocker on the Ask Jeeves of job search sites. And I don't mean that as snarkily as it sounds.
February 4, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHim
me, too, Him, me too.
February 4, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
PM to MB: tough one. chins up. been keeping tabs. keep on, keepin' on. you have a lot of support out there! trust me.
February 4, 2016 | Unregistered Commentertroll boy
Him. I'll come along n the ride with you buddy. After reading Cherie Curries book (really good read by the way) and some of Gillette's transcripts, I think it's safe to say that Lita is either bi polar, psychotic, or can just a miserable bee-yotch when things don't go her way. I get to be a woman in a testosterone driven profession, you've gotta be tough. But me think she tends to go waaay overboard?
February 4, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterGary
you can go overboard any way, any time...just so you know what you're doing. mommy and I are watching. always. everyday.

Nick is in the rock room creating tunes for y'all.
February 4, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
It's hard to know who to believe without more info. Divorce is ugly and unless you're either in it or in the middle of it, it's hard to know who to side with.

One thing's for sure, as I said before, she's perfectly cast in this. Can you imagine being part of the creative team watching her crank it out? I wonder how many takes they did? I'm guessing at least a dozen.

I know if I was the director or with the agency, I would have been pushin' for as many takes as possible! \m/
February 4, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Thanks for at least seconding my suspicions, Gary. I've read those interviews with Gillette as well. And there just seem to be more and more stories about how "off" she acts. My armchair thoughts were substances. But what do I know? I will have to give Curie's book a look-see. Thanks for the tip.

And I appreciate the bit of context, Metalboy! None of us know the inside scoop. And two sides of a story rarely equal the truth. Like I said, I wasn't trying to cast aspersions. Just something I have wondered about.
February 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHim
HIM, many people I know wind up focusing on the negatives about an artist. For instance, several friends of mine won't watch another Quentin Tarrantino movie because of some comments he made about cops at a protest.

Personally, and I know this sounds hard to believe, based on my love for TESLUG and other sh*t bands unconditionally heralded on high here, I generally put artists gaffs or indescretions aside, and just roll with their talents and art.

It's only when I personally witness or hear from a reliable witness when someone is being a tool to fans, i.e. Vince Neil, Frank Hannon, Jeff Keith, Scott Stapp, etc., that I take umbrage and won't listen to their music. Of course, if the music s*cks, that helps make it easier to put them on permanent mute... Except in the case of the majority of Vince Neil's work. Trainwreck as he is, he still outROCKS, all those mentioned above combined and then some!

As far as Ford and Gillette go, from what I understand, they both have a history of cray-cray stemming form their divorce. I'm gonna guess she finally lost her sh*t because Gilette is supposedly notorious for being a tyrannical as*hole. Regardless, I STILL listen to BOTH artists music on a regular basis -- Lita Ford's iconic work in The Runaways and her early solo stuff and also Jim Gillette's comedy albums, particularly the first two NITRO records.

But what should really be focused on here, is the hilarious commercial above and the brilliance of casting her to star in it. \m/
February 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
I agree Metalboy! Great commercial.

And, as my post re: Stapp several spots above suggests, I try mighty hard to give fair passage to all bands, even if I am will to crack wise for the sake of a joke or two.

Perhaps it is true that age gives one a bit of perspective. Though I am not that long in the tooth, I don't find myself picking as many sides anymore. I love what I love and dislike what I dislike. But time has taught me that some of the things--musical acts, people, etc.--that I held close and dear in years past have slipped through my hands and out of my heart. The reverse is also true. I enjoy some things now that a boisterous me of years past would have scoffed at. Like a good, trusty skillet (that is a cross-reference-pun to another post!), I am a bit more tempered in my assessments. Still, jokes are jokes and there are plenty left to make. Everyone deserves and needs a bit of martinizing!

And, as is obvious, some of this perspective is hard won. I mourn the loss of artists more deeply and hold those that I have always loved (that applies to people generally) more closely.
February 7, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Very well put, HIM... I appreciate your introspection.

p.s. Martinizing should always be capped as it's a patented and branded process. Now if I could just catch my own typos and grammatical errors, haha!!
February 7, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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