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Brace For Tour Cancellations

Going forward, any comments referring to Covid-19 as "just the flu" will be immediately removed. There is enough disinformation about this pandemic swirling around and I will not help spread any here.

We are living through unprecedented times. You can read my "Fireside Chat" post and I thought we would never get to the point of shutting down major events and cities in America... and I was wrong. I knew Covid-19 was very bad, because I have been following the story very closely since the outbreak started in China. But in America, money is God and people will do whatever they can to protect a bottom line. But things are not normal. Within a span of 60 minutes last night, Trump announced a European travel ban (UK exempted) and planned tax relief and a big bailout for the leisure industry is coming, just wait for that. Then Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson announced they are positive for Covid-19... and within seconds of that news hitting the wires, the NBA suspended its season due to the outbreak. The stock market futures did not like any of this news. Those are just big domestic headlines. World headlines are pretty apocalyptic, too.

The U.S. government woefully botched this response. We need widespread testing and it just is not happening. So keep up with your standard precautions of hand washing, coughing into your elbow, wipe down your cellphone daily and be vigilant about social distancing. This means no large gatherings or being tightly packed in with other people. Essentially, no concerts or club shows. Expect to see a flood of tours and one-off concerts canceled in the weeks ahead, either by choice or government mandate.

Reader Comments (4)

It’s unfortunate. I think all big events the next two months are at risk while this thing hopefully peaks and then recedes. But yes I accept cancelations not only because bands won’t take the risk, but neither will audiences.

KISS just announced they canceled the last few dates of their current US run. There will be more, no doubt.

Stay safe everyone.
March 12, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterSteverox
Im with Bk. A great start would be shutting down the media for a couple weeks. It don’t stink unless you stir it. Boy oh boy is it ever getting stirred. Lol

And on a side note I just gotta ask it. Why are there toilet paper shortages? I know a helluva lot of people who mastered talking out their asses, but I’ve yet to see one blow their nose through it in my 56 years on this planet.
March 12, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterGary
I don't like things being cancelled either, and I'm preparing myself for the brutal news that Sonic Temple is cancelled. But there is a real reason that these things are happening: COVID-19 is serious, and is WAY WORSE than the flu. It is simply incorrect to state otherwise.

The WHO is currently saying the mortality rate of this thing is 3.4%, which is 100x higher than for the flu, and it ranges from 9-19% for older age ranges. Most of us are on the younger side of the range, so we won't likely die (or even get really sick) by getting it. But spreading it around the community will be deadly for many and it could completely overwhelm our health care system. This is why events are being cancelled.

So yeah, hoarding toilet paper, masks and hand sanitizer is silly, and the 24-hour press is not helping any of this, but it's a serious virus. Be careful out there: avoid close contact with lots of people and wash your hands.

If you're interested, there is a really good article on that has been keeping up-to-date with the numbers, and explains why people are taking this very seriously:
March 12, 2020 | Unregistered Commenterbryon
@bryon I get it bud, believe me. I also would never downplay it. What I’m trying to say is what one of Def Leps best albums and songs ever says, that the media is causing “Hysteria”. And Hysteria WILL overwhelm the heath care system. Panic is never a good thing. It breeds more panic.Makes people do insanely stupid things (such as collecting sh!t paper as their new hobby😂) You hit the nail on the head. Just be smart about it, take whatever precautions you need to. But don’t stop enjoying your for Chrissakes. I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming 😂😂😂😂
March 12, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterGary
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