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Entries by Allyson B. Crawford (6613)


Judas Priest: You Make The Call

Happy Record Store Day! Today's post is from our friend HIM.

In previous posts, I have made a case for why, after so many years of great music, Priest have been placed in the shadows of another classic British band, Iron Maiden. This post is not about that (though, perhaps, it has some bearing on what I am writing).

I stumbled across these (not great quality) videos on another site. And I started to think: “How do I feel about hearing these songs played this way, today?” Keep in mind, I have seen Priest over half a dozen times. I have seen them blow other bands off the stage. I have seen them when Halford could barely move and could hardly muster the strength to suggest he was/is the Metal God. I’ve seen them in outdoor amphitheaters and smaller venues. I love Priest, even if I don’t really get into the newer material for a host of reasons.

These three songs—two for what I consider their “classic period” and one from the point where they were moving in a different direction—are all songs I love. The first two? When I initially heard them, I was floored. And I mean floored! The first song is just a straight-ahead monster of spit and venom directed at the fairer sex. Classic metal. The second song shows just how much Priest were able to blend different textures into their music when they were firing on all cylinders (compare it to “The Rage” and you will see what I mean). The third song was them moving into an aggressive revamp that certainly suggests them moving towards some trends at the time. But, boy oh boy, what a take on those trends! I still recall listening to this on my Walkman as I was walking around Yugoslavia (yeah, when it still existed) and just smiling at my luck to be there, listening to this song.

That is a roundabout way of saying I am not making any judgement in asking you what you make of these songs played this way nowadays. I have my own opinions, and I now infrequently offer them. But this post is about asking you how you feel about the following:

Devil's Child

Victim of Changes:


To be clear, I am glad that Priest are still around. More than happy (and also glad that KK is making his music for those who want to hear it). But I would love to hear your thoughts.


Nikki Sixx Teases...  Something

Is new Motley Crue music on the way? More tour dates?

Then this was apparently on YouTube for a hot minute last night... but I can't find any reference to it now. I guess this is how we get music news these days. Through cryptic messages and "mistake" posts.


Stadium Rock 80s Final Lineup Released

The other day I shared some news about the festival called Stadium Rock 80s. There was a teaser for more bands. I guessed the headliner to be Queensryche and I was right! The fest takes place August 3 and 4 in Louisville, Kentucky. Tickets on sale now. And yes, this looks like a great party!


Skid Row Music Featured In 'Civil War'

"Sweet Little Sister" from Skid Row's self-titled album is featured in the new movie Civil War. The movie is in theater's now. You can read about it if you click through the article linked below but there are spoilers.

I scanned the article just enough to get the Skid Row featured song because I didn't want to ruin the plot for myself. This is a big deal for Skid Row, so good for them.


'Givin' Yourself Away' - A True Gem

If you asked people for their top RATT songs, I bet “Givin’ Yourself Away” wouldn’t make the list and that is a shame. The song is on the album Detonator which is one of my favorites by the band. Overall the album is slick as hell – just as you would expect for a 1990 hair metal release. The entire album sounds huge!

The guitar solo in this under-appreciated RATT ballad just might be some of Warren DeMartini’s best work. The solo really complements the song and gives it an edge. The overall guitar work is excellent in the song throughout as well. 

The guitar melody is deceptively simple. The notes challenge Stephen Pearcy’s voice in just the right way. Pearcy sings higher and DeMartini makes his axe squeal in response. There’s bends, hammer pulls, sweep picking and a vacation up and down the fret board.

The melody and solo could fit right into a Hollywood "rom-com" blockbuster. I said what I said.



If You Like Games - Def Leppard Has One For You

I am not a gamer and haven't really ever been. I had a Nintendo as a kid and Eric had an Xbox at one point. I played Madden a little and got frustrated quickly.

All this to say I am not a good judge if an an electronic game is good or not, but Def Leppard has one called "Let's Rock It" so it might be fun. Presumably it features the songs we love and other throwback references. Could be a fun way to kill an hour.


Just Couldn't Resist

This made me laugh. Hopefully it gives you a chuckle, too!