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Bret Michaels Excitement


I'm really excited to see Bret Michaels tonight at Rocklahoma. I just received a copy of his greatest hits disc Rock My World and I have to admit I  think it's pretty good. I've always loved the song "Raine" so maybe he'll break from the Poison mold a little and add that song to his set.

I see Poison every time they come around my area. This year, that means the tour is rolling into southern Ohio in mid-August. Thing is, I've never actually been to a Bret Michaels solo gig. I mean, I've been to club shows where C.C. DeVille jumps on stage and plays guitar with a house band or something, but that's about as close as it gets.

The Bret solo machine is rolling these days. He's got a lot going for him, thanks to the trash show Rock of Love on Vh1 Classic. 

Bret seems to come off as a genuine guy, but he sure does a lot of those pay-to-meet-me sort of gigs. Actually, he's doing one tonight after his Rocklahoma performance - for 100 bucks a head. The event is sold-out, and no I am not going nor did I try to get tickets. I will, however, try to meet Bret in the media tent. For free.

I've heard rumor the rest of Poison will come out for a song or three tonight. I'm not sure I believe that - after all, can we be sure money changed hands or the stage was designed for such an occasion? At any rate, I hope the rumors are true. I think that's the best of both worlds: Bret gets to show off his abilities as a solo artist, and then the members of the band who made him famous get some credit, too.

At any rate, here are a couple of my favorite Bret solo songs. Hopefully I'll land at Rocklahoma in one piece.

Here's "Raine."

Here's "Go That Far." The rap part of this song freaks me out a little...I wonder if he does that live?

Reader Comments (8)

it's my understanding that there are only 3 new original songs on this new cd. is that correct? the rest are songs he's already released on earlier cds? did he at least re-record them or remix them?
July 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdon
I love Poison but I'm not a big fan of Bret. I always get the feeling he is trying too hard to get attention on himself. I have to admit, though, this album is pretty good. Half the tracks were on his last album so I'd heard them before--that was disappointing. But nonetheless, its definitely something I'd enjoy while driving down the highway with the windows down, and that is basically my criteria for everything worth listening to :-)
July 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterr0ck0n!
Bret Michaels solo puts on a great live show. Would you expect anything less from him? The only complaint I have is that his guitarist has horrible guitar tone and he makes really stupid faces, but that's not much of a complaint. ;) I really do prefer Poison over Bret solo. I'm kinda over Bret these days because although I loved to watch the train wreck that was Rock of Love, I was just turned off by him after that. And I can't stand "Go That Far." Eew. But have no doubts, you will have a blast watching him live tonight!!! And I will have a blast watching Poison in Columbus on Sunday night!!!! :)

July 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristine
I got "Rock My World" and enjoy a lot of tracks on it. There are some great ballads, like "Raine", and "All I ever Needed", and some pretty good party anthems too, like "Bittersweet", and "Menace To Society".
July 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenteraXe mAn
People have to PAY to meet him? Are you kidding me? The money goes to charity or something, right? Please tell me it does. Otherwise I'll have to think he's a bigger douche than I already do.

(haha Sorry Allyson. I know you love Poison.)
July 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVicky
Even though I like Bret and he's a fellow Pennsylvanian and all, still,I wouldn't pay $100 bucks to meet him,even if he were standing in my God damn living room...8>)
July 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGary
i would want to meet that thing he calls his hair
July 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertully
My only real complaint about the new album is that not only have I heard most of it before...but I own them on at least 2 or 3 other CDs.  Those of us true loyals already own COUNTRY DEMOS, SONGS OF LIFE & FREEDOM OF for me it's Deja Vu of Deja Vu.  He did this to us before when he released FREEDOM OF SOUND, which featured both COUNTRY DEMOS and SONGS OF LIFE in their entirety on it!  To top it off, all 3 of those projects were pretty much available only through the web site or at Bret's live shows.  So, although I dig the couple of new tracks on this new album (I was finally able to purchase at Best Buy..thanx VH1), I've got to say that I'm getting tired of paying for the same material over & over again.
July 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRobbie from Chicago

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